Things to do in DC 🎨 Giveaway, artistic events, and food festivals

This is the time of year where there is so much going on that it's hard to plan.

Thank you everyone who spent time with us this weekend, either cleaning up Dumbarton Oaks Park (look at all that English ivy we cleared!) or at the content creator workshop! Hope to see you soon!


Win tickets to after hours at Tudor Place Museum!

Tudor Place, the historical estate in Georgetown connected with George Washington's family, is hosting a special evening program, and you can win 2 tickets!

​Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow on October 3 from 6:30-8:30 PM highlights hair-related artifacts in their collection, which includes George Washington's hair and his comb.

Reply to this email by Friday 9/27 at 11:00 AM with "HAIR" to be entered to win! Winner to be chosen at random.

Things to Know in DC

Art All Night is this weekend, and Dine All Night is in full swing!

There are a ton of activities happening, but one pet peeve of mine is that you need to go to every main street's website to see what the activities are. Too many clicks!

To fix this, I have it all consolidated the ultimate guide to Art All Night on one page, with the activities also listed on a map!

It is constantly being updated, and not every main street as announced their schedule yet so there are some additional updates coming!

Things to Do in DC: Next 4 Weeks

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This Week

  • Experience bioluminescence and fluorescence live on a magical Mushroom Night Hike with naturalists Ana Ka’ahanui, Matt Felprin, and Mycologist Serenella Linares. Registration is free, but prepare $6 for the parking fee. Wednesday 9/25.
  • Ready for Theatre Week in DC? Theatre Washington is bringing back their annual celebration of the local theatre community with low prices and more options to experience the theatre vibe! Festival events start as early as Saturday 9/21/24 but officially start Thursday 9/26/24 - Sunday 10/13/24. $20+
  • Pop signer UPSAHL is performing at Howard Theatre. Wednesday 9/25. $22.
  • Track Night helps runners learn proper mechanics, run etiquette and how to pace. Stick around afterwards for some treats! Thursday 9/26. Free.
  • DC's free arts festival bringing all types of visual and performing arts together, Art All Night, is back. Check out music, dance, visual arts, and community activities that celebrate the diversity of DC. Friday 9/27 - Saturday 9/28. Free,
  • ​Thrift the Runway fashion show showcases sustainable fashion, and gives your the opportunity to pick up some thrift finds. Friday 9/27. Free.
  • Pickleball enthusiasts can play Pickleball on the National Mall, or go and watch. Limited slots available! Friday 9/27 - Sunday 9/29. Free.
  • Give back and help preserve the long-neglected Mt Zion - Female Union Band Society cemeteries, the resting places of many early Black residents with a tour & clean up. Saturday 9/28 & Sunday 9/29. Free.
  • See comedians compete to become the 2024 Breakout Comedian of the Year. Saturday 9/28. $60+.
  • If you want to celebrate German culture but beer isn't for you, St Anselm is hosting an Oktoberfest German Wine Festival. Saturday 9/28. $55.
  • If you're a more advanced yogi, take advantage of the Kemetic Yoga at the Francis A. Gregory Library. Saturday 9/28. Free.
  • There's a Chappell Roan dance party at Wundergarten if you're sad to miss her at All Things Go. Saturday 9/28. Free.
  • ​Movies on the Potomac, an outdoor movie series where people gather to enjoy films under the stars, has its final movie on Sunday 9/29. Free.
  • Fans of pop street art will be excited for the opening of the Basquiat x Banksy exhibit at the Hirshhorn. Opens Sunday 9/29. Free.
  • ​No Man's Land Film Festival is an all-women & genderqueer adventure film festival explores the vastness and beauty of our planet. Sunday 9/29. Donation based.

Next Week

  • Love is Blind DC premieres on October 2, and Lulu's Wine Garden is hosting a trivia night on the 1st and a watch party on the 2nd. Tuesday 10/1 & Wednesday 10/2. Free.
  • Bookworms unite at Pages in the Park Potluck. Meet new people and spend some time reading individually. Wednesday 10/2. Free.
  • After-hours museum events aren't only for the Smithsonians. Tudor Place in Georgetown is hosting Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow which includes George Washington's hair & comb. Thursday 10/3. $25 for non-members.
  • Celebrate fall with a Cider and Spice Social, featuring a build-your-own-bouquet bar, spiked cider, and a live DJ. Friday 10/4. $40+.
  • Venturing out of the city, catch the biggest stargazing and astronomy event of the year at the Staunton River State Park featuring dozens of telescopes and astronomers ready to share their stellar knowledge of space with you. Friday 10/4. Free.
  • ​Open Streets DC has been announced for 7th Street NW this year. Stroll along the usually crowded street, without any cars. Also watch out for traffic delays. Saturday 10/5. Free.
  • Let your dogs run around Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown during their special Fall Dog Day. Saturday 10/5. Donation suggested.
  • Learn the basics of hula dancing and the history behind it, with 3 progressive classes for beginners. Saturday 10/5. Free.
  • Join in on a city-wide scavenger hunt that lasts all weekend! This year's is theme is "A Playwright's Last Play." Saturday 10/5 - Sunday 10/6. $100 for a group of 8.
  • Meet new people and take a 3.1 mile walk through Old Town with We BE Walkin'. Sunday 10/6. Free.
  • Work with a team to find items, answer trivia, and take photos at this scavenger hunt at the National Zoo. Sunday 10/6. $20.
  • If you like history and wine, buy your tickets now for the Fall Wine Festival & Sunset Tour at Mount Vernon. This sells out early every year! Enjoy tastings from Virginia wineries on the lawn of Mount Vernon. Fri 10/4-Sun 10/6. $60+.
  • The DC Coffee Festival is back at Union Market. If you love your caffeine, this is for you. Saturday 10/5 - Sunday 10/6. $24+.
  • Get some new clothes while also cleaning out your closet at the Happy Daze clothing swap. Sunday 10/6. Free.
  • Get all you can eat oysters & drinks at the 15th annual Oyster Fest at Hank's in Alexandria. Sunday 10/6. $100.

Further Out

  • ​The Price is Right is coming to National Harbor for a live stage show, where audience members will be chosen to play the game! Saturday 10/12. $55+.
  • ​Miss Adams Morgan is back, celebrating its 36th year of the funnest drag competition in DC. This year's theme is Game Night. Saturday 10/12. $100.
  • ​Oyster Wars at the Salt Line will give you tastings of oysters up & down the eastern seaboard. Drinks not included. Sunday 10/13. $65+.
  • ​Paws in the Park celebrates our furry friends with a festival that's pet friendly! Features live entertainment, food & drink, vendors, shopping, and adoptable animals. Sunday 10/13. Free.
  • It's the 100th year of Howard Homecoming! Check out the game, official activities, and parties for a weeklong celebration from 10/13-10/20. Homecoming game is Saturday 10/19.
  • Learn to craft cocktails and bouquets at Mix & Bloom. Monday 10/14. $55.
  • Help survey how many wild freshwater mussels at Kingman & Heritage Island Park. Waders will be provided if needed. Tuesday 10/15. Free.
  • Create the perfect home for your Venus Fly Trap and more with Carnivorous Plant Basics and DIY Bog Gardens. Saturday 10/19. $20+.
  • ​Get spooky at the Folger and learn about its haunted history while also dancing to live music. Friday 10/25. Free.
  • The annual Dupont High Heel Race is back! This fun community event is one everyone should go to eat least once. Tuesday 10/29. Free.

6218 Georgia Avenue NW Ste 1 - 656, Washington, DC 20011-5125
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Not Bored in DC

events calendar, hidden history, restaurants not to miss, and ways to enjoy the dmv

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